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About Us

Welcome to Perfume Samples

...What once started as a hobby has now grown into a true passion...

Perfume has become an essential part of our daily routine, it makes you feel more confident and you stand out. However, finding the right perfume for the right occasion is not an easy task, but certainly not a cheap one.

This is where we come to your rescue!

Perfume Samples are small amounts of perfume transferred into samples of 2ml, 5ml and 10ml. We offer you the chance to discover new scents for a fraction of the price. It's cheaper and you can test the scents where and when you want.

In addition, you give yourself the opportunity to try scents that you otherwise wouldn't even consider.

Perfume Samples are also ideal for on the go, traveling or just at home. Use a travel spray and you no longer have to carry full bottles with you (we speak from experience) with the risk of them breaking and/or falling.

Not sure which scent to choose? Contact us via the contact form and we will help you further.